MA Students
- China
Buddhist studies; Buddhism and its reception in East Asia; Chinese poetry; philosophy and literature
- Japan
Contemporary Japanese society; Japanese culture; Japanese popular culture; Japanese film and fiction; modern Japan politics; Japan in international relations; education; sports; gender inequality
- China
Political economy of development; State-business relations in East Asia; China's financial system and local government debt; Political methodology.
- China
Chinese political economy; East Asian technology trade; US-China relations, Civil Society and Social Movements in East Asia
- Japan
Indigenous language reclamation; Ryukyuan language education; language ideology in Japan; linguistic minorities in Japan; Ryukyu/Uchinaanchu diasporic studies
- Japan
Contemporary Japanese culture; Modern Japanese literature; Linguistics; Technology in Japan; Japanese international relations and policy
- Japan
Japanese culture, Japan in international relations, Japanese Empire, transnational history of East Asia, contemporary Japanese soft power relations, defining "other", ethnicity, race, and identity in contemporary Japan, nationalism, colonialism and imperialism in East Asia.
- Japan
Contemporary Japanese society; Changing ideologies and configurations of Japanese families; Gender dynamics; Child development; East Asian religions
- East Asia
Contemporary East Asian film, media, literature, culture, gender, modernization, and politics
- East Asia
International politics in East Asia; History of China, Korea, and Japan; US-China relations
- Korea
History of technology, science fiction, technology and culture, industrialization, modernity
- China
Modern and contemporary Chinese literature and film, gender, women's writing, world literature, translation
- East Asia
East Asian historiography and film culture; science fiction and the state; U.S.-China relations; transformations in U.S.-East Asian alliances; international relations and security
- Korea
Science fiction and East Asian socio-technical imaginaries, postcolonial Korean literature, posthumanism, labor, digital media and culture
- Korea
Art and cultural history of the Korean Peninsula; postcolonial and postwar Korea; impact of war on Korean art; art as cultural diplomacy; art in foreign policy; national division; politics of memory; modern and contemporary Korean society
- Korea
Korean educational public policy, contemporary Korean history, North/South Korean cultural diaspora, US-Korea relations
- Japan
Foreign labor policy and immigration issues in Japan. Working culture and development in Japan
- East Asia
Climate change and sustainability in East Asia; food and water security; international relations, policy, and security; women's economic empowerment; startups and technology; cross-strait relations; nationalism and legitimacy.
- East Asia
Health and society in East Asia; Social determinants of health; Life course approach; Health care access and technology.
- China
Chinese pre-modern and modern romance literature; Chinese ecocriticism; representation of rural China in modern media
- East Asia
Gender Equity; Global Asian Rights; Sustainability in East Asia; Silver Economy; Space and Perception: Architecture and Urban Planning; Digital Humanities and Art; Mental Health Challenges
- Japan
Gender in Japanese politics; feminist movements in East Asia; Sino-Japanese relations; Japanese culture; international relations in East Asia; Chinese international politics
- China
modern Chinese women's history; social movements before and during the Cultural Revolution; sociopolitical theatre; Chinese folk performances; aging and elder care for Chinese seniors in the US and China
- Japan
Medieval Japanese Buddhism; Japanese Buddhist art; Sino-Japanese relations; tea ceremony; gender perceptions in medieval and early modern Japan; early modern Japanese society; Japanese woodblock prints
- Japan
Modern and contemporary Japanese culture and literature focused on postcolonial, transnational, and gender theories
- East Asia
The Korea-U.S.-Japan Triangle, U.S.-China Relations, Relations between Countries during the Korean War, Wartime Memories in East Asia
- Korea
Modern and contemporary Korean society, visual-material culture, digital media; objecthood and historical memory
- Japan
Japanese History & Culture; US - Japan Relations; Article 9 Reformation; ASEAN+3; Emerging Power Conflicts in the Indo-Pacific
- East Asia
Comparative study of Japan and South Korea’s soft power strategy; shift from traditional public diplomacy to new public diplomacy in Japan; nation branding, nationalism, and identity
- China
Contemporary Chinese politics; social and economic conditions in China before the Cultural Revolution
- China
Biopolitics, medical anthropology, women's embodiment of birth control policies in China.
- East Asia
US Foreign Policy in East Asia; Korea-US Alliance; Korea-US-Japan Trilateral Cooperation; Inter Korean Relations; North Korea’s Domestic and Foreign Policy
- Japan
East Asian popular culture and media; race and ethnic issues, especially colorism and anti-black racism; cultural appropriation; Japan-Korea relations; nationalism in popular culture
- China
Chinese foreign policy; authoritarian politics; state-society relations; civil society and the internet; technology and governance; East Asian feminisms; Canada-China relations; contemporary Chinese diaspora
- China
Organizations and state-business relations in contemporary China; Chinese political economy and urban-rural development
- China
Sociology of organization; Decentralized autonomous organizations in East Asia; Social structure and transformation of China; Institutional studies of the dynamics of "party-state" and society in contemporary China
- East Asia
Digital humanities; Linguistics, particularly sociolinguistics and cognitive linguistics; International relations; Korean Wave and cultural economy; Political economy; Computational social sciences; Gender Studies; Comparative literature
- China
Chinese art and religion; Buddhist visual culture; particularly the role of art in religion and society and the relationship between religious texts/doctrine and visual representations