Stay updated with CEAS
The Center for East Asian Studies maintains three main mailing lists: our events newsletter, our student listserv, and our HORIZONS alumni newsletter. We also maintain a presence on Facebook and LinkedIn. Each format is explained below; click on the red buttons for the platforms that you are interested in to start receiving East Asian Studies news!
CEAS Weekly Events Digest
A weekly email newsletter highlighting center and campus East-Asia related events. This list is open to the public.
Subscribe to CEAS Weekly Events
East Asian Studies Students Listserv
Conference and fellowship announcements, job opportunities and special event announcements related to East Asia. Listserv intended for all current graduate Stanford students only. Must be a registered graduate student to subscribe. Please enroll using your "" address.
HORIZONS Alumni Newsletter
For Stanford alumnus and anyone else wishing to keep up with current happenings in the Stanford East Asia community. HORIZONS comes out at the beginning of each academic year, with a look back at the previous year. Past newsletters can be viewed here. Sign up, update your profile, or share an alumni update by clicking the button below.
Subscribe to HORIZONS Newsletter
CEAS on Facebook
CEAS regularly shares a variety of news, events, and job postings on its official Facebook page. Follow us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on East Asian Studies activities both at Stanford and around the world.
CEAS on LinkedIn
The Center for East Asian Studies LinkedIn group is only open to CEAS students and alumni. Please send a request to join and CEAS staff will approve you if you meet this requirement. The LinkedIn group provides a place for CEAS to share job postings relevant to East Asian Studies, as well as a place for CEAS alumni to network with each other across the broad range of career paths our graduates have.